Personal Story of Me
This is where you will be able to read about the founder behind this platform. I am a Son, Brother, a life lover, swimmer, dedicated fitness freak, and an Accountant by profession + Digital Marketer by passion.
I have been away from the country for couple of years, because of my hobby to discover & stay in Abroad Life. In that time, I have collected data and insight on my experiences. Here is an attempt to generate my thoughts and feelings about my life away from home – earning, travel, food, lifestyle etc.
The Story of me is a platform that focuses where I share my achievements, what I’ve done and all kinds of things that happened to me, in different kinds of emotions and feelings such as: happiness, sadness, love, anger, boredom and other such emotions.
My Journey of Life
Journey of
After my Graduation, I decided to apply for a job but unfortunately, I got a chance to leave for abroad which I was excited enough, I left for Dubai – United Arab Emirates in the Year 2014. I was hired as an Account Assistant (AA) by and small hardware base company in the Ajman Emirate of the U.A.E.
Before the end of my job contract, I applied to an Import & Export base company regarding the business of Bicycles & Spare Parts. I was fortunate enough to get hired and became a part of that company as an Account Executive (AE) back in November 2016.
When I look back on that day, I really thank LORD for putting a suggestion in my mind to apply and grab the opportunity in an Import & Export business.
The journey of my assistant to become an AE of an entire Import & Export company was not an easy task for me.

When I was just getting started out in the world of my abroad life, I knew nothing about what it took to build a success. So, I always set small goals to achieve my end goal, but thanks to my perseverance and some luck that motivated me to achieve more than I could ever imagine.
Time passes, and my interest started diverting also towards Digital Marketing industry which is one of the fastest billion dollars growing industry when I saw people doing freelancing by running their own sites and other marketing strategies as full-time business or as a side business along with their current job for side income.
So, I started looking for ways to learn more knowledge about it until my brother suggested me to join IDM Pakistan. IDM Pakistan is one of the best institutions to learn digital marketing skills for both individuals and corporate groups who want to improve their knowledge and boost their careers/business completely to a new level. I have learned about Web Creation, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Google AdWords/Analytic and even Advertising through various guest blogs.
I have been passes through a lot of failures & hard works. Specially the time, my inner drive pushes me to continue even after I failed and getting thoughts of giving up every once in a while, sporadically. But it is said that
Failure has made me who I am today. Failure gives you two choices. You stay down or you get up. Well, I’m up and I’m Fired up, because I had figured it out.
And so, I did the same too. 😊

My Core Values
Maintaining a healthy and fulfilling career is one of the most important values to me. This section is one of the most important & valuable section of “About Me” and a hard topic to define here the importance of my goals and value system in order to give you a clear picture on how I want to live my life now and how I want to define myself in future, but it’s important to…
Firstly; I managed to build that much success in my career in just 8+ years, which is very surprising for me. It’s true, that the world needs perseverance to achieve success, and I believe it’s our inner drive that pushes us to continue even after we failed and getting thoughts of giving up every once in a while, sporadically. When I was just getting started out in the world of my abroad life, I knew nothing about what it took to build a success. So, I always set small goals to achieve my end goal, but thanks to my perseverance and some luck that motivated me to achieve more than I could ever imagine.
Secondly; my core values can be a valuable asset to me in my personal life, professionally and in my career. Let’s start with the idea that you should have certain core values that you can live by. These values will guide your life and work in a way that will make you happy.
I value trust & kindness, honesty & loyalty, it is important to put my personality into actions and jump at the chance to help people generously and giving my time and resources to worthy causes or to my friends & family. Whenever I’m asked by my customers or clients about what my value are above all else, what do I say? This is a great opportunity for me to showcase my personality in an effective manner.
In End; I value my national country Pakistan, my residence country U.A.E and its peoples. I believe that with my skills and vast experience I would love to share my knowledge and should be able to understand youth’s needs and use their values to develop trustworthy relationships and help them in finding fruitful careers and reaching the summit of their ambitions. In my opinion, there is no true concept of values, but rather a collection of traits we tend to associate with each other. To the degree that we can understand the value system and apply it in our work life, we will be able to form better and more trusting relationships with others.
My Aim is a personal statement to the digital world, profiling my background and experience as an accountant with more than 10 years of experience I am now using my skillset to build marketing strategies for businesses in their infancy stages.

I’ve always been intrigued by the power of numbers. At some point, I found myself asking a seemingly simple question to myself: What can I do with numbers? After all, numbers are everywhere, both in the world and in my life. With this question in mind, I embarked on a journey of discovery: What can I do with numbers and what does it mean for me?
As an Accountant, my aim was simple – make sure that my company has enough money and that I can pay all of our bills on time each month. However, once I started my career as a marketing professional, I quickly realized how much more there was for me and this led me to break away from what I used to do every day.
I had a passion for marketing since my early days and started with some digital marketing on the free platform. I started building websites in 2021 and have been designing, developing and delivering digital advertising campaigns ever since. But the digital world was bigger enough and keeping up with the pace I need to understand the intricacies of that industry. So, I learned more about some other crucial areas like analytics, social media channels and website design. I’ve always been aspiring towards mastering certain skills that would help me be better equipped as an accountant. I want to work in the world of digital marketing which is rapidly growing and evolving.
In life, we always Aim for better and newer things. Technology has given us this chance and in the digital marketing sector. But my Aim in life is something different. My ultimate Aim behind my pursuits is to help people find their passion and live the life they always envisioned. To that end, I am constantly looking for ways to improve my skillset and make myself stand out from the crowd.
What I did to spread
my knowledge
so far?

Being an accountant for most of my life, I have to work with numbers and data. I have always been a big fan of technology. I also use my skills in marketing to come up with ideas for digital strategies. As such, I have experimented with a wide range of digital marketing tactics and tools. So, I started looking for ways to learn more knowledge about it until my brother suggested me to join IDM Pakistan.
IDM Pakistan is one of the best institutions to learn digital marketing skills for both individuals and corporate groups who want to improve their knowledge and boost their careers/business completely to a new level. I have learned about Web Creation, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Google AdWords and even advertising through various guest blogs.
The main thing I did so far was going out there and expressing my thoughts through writing and speaking as much as possible! I wanted to know what else people did in order to spread their knowledge and I’ve found that the best way to spread knowledge is by teaching.
Since November 2020, I’m a part of IDM Pakistan as a student, learning Digital Marketing course, I have been helping to new students for upcoming batches of my institution & other people in their Digital Marketing problems through Social Media Such as Facebook Groups to hundreds of young and motivated students.
What Else I Do?

Hobbies are something people do when they do not have to go to work anymore. They simply enjoy the things that they like without being responsible for anything.
What Else I Do?

Hobbies are something people do when they do not have to go to work anymore. They simply enjoy the things that they like without being responsible for anything.

In this segment I will only talk about my hobbies and interests. To be successful in your career and life, you need to love what you do and human beings are not good at describing their hobbies. Talking about a hobby can be perceived as boring and shallow. But I am a person who has a great & expensive passion of hobbies;
- Adventurous Trip
- Mobile & Laptops
- Swimming
- Gadgets
- Snooker
- Outings
- Movies
- Fitness
- Driving
Hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment which is an important part of the human life. We need to be creative and social and people need to do things for themselves also, not just for their family. I firmly believe that life wouldn’t be half as fun without hobbies that contribute to your personal growth in some way.
Still, Have Questions?
I believe that everyone has a story to share and I am very grateful to you for spending your such an precious time just to read my story!
I hope this will help you get connected with me.
if you still have any query or need to ask anything else, you can also fine time on LinkedIn & Facebook @MoizHussain